EMBRACE Project Transnational Conference: Transforming organisations and education for societal sustainability
EMBRACE Project Transnational Conference – the EMBRACE project is funded by Erasmus+
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27th of May 2021
Organisations becoming more socially and sustainably aware has been a developing trend in recent years. This is true for businesses, academic institutions, state agencies and everything in between. The time has now come for education to meet the demand for graduates and professionals with societal understanding, entrepreneurial spirit and ability to guide organisations towards a more socially sustainable future. The EMBRACE project consortium is developing the building blocks for educators in higher education institutions (HEIs) and trainers in organisations to shape Corporate Social Entrepreneurship curricula. For anyone, at any level, at any time.
Throughout several sessions, you will be asked to optimise the building blocks to suit the needs of trainers and educators. By the end of summer 2021, you will gain access to a complete set of building blocks and the roadmap to develop a custom Corporate Social Entrepreneurship curriculum that suits your HEI or business’s needs.
A 1-day online event hosted by the EMBRACE project consortium lead by the Hanze University in Groningen, the Netherlands.
Session I 10:00-12:00 (CEST)
10:00-10:10 Introduction by Project Leader Professor Bill O’Gorman of the Waterford Institute of Technology
10:10-10:20 Introducing the Building Blocks by Anu Manickam from Hanze University
10:20-11:10 CSE Collaboration Practices. Speakers from HEIs and businesses will show projects that were done in collaboration with students, businesses and other institutions.
Dr Richard Hayes – Vice President for Strategy and acting Vice President for International Affairs in Waterford Institute of Technology, with his recent research focused on city and regional development and the role of universities in sustainable regional regeneration. (Ireland)
Colin Keogh PhD – Innovation Consultant at Inlecom, led a group of experts that worked together on the Open Source Ventilator (OSV) Project to aid the treatment of COVID-19 patients. (Ireland)
Carlos Ballesteros – Director Chair in Social Impact, CEO of the Social Business Guidance Unit, Universidad Pontifical Comillas (Spain)
Professor Willem Foorthuis – Professor at Hanze UAS, has recently brought together a wide variety of stakeholders to initiate the creation of a new type of regional innovation infrastructure in the North of the Netherlands called ‘RIF’ which unites education, government, business and individuals to support innovation in the region.
11:10-11:55 Building Blocks and Roadmap Testing Session by José Eggink from Hanze University
The various building blocks of the Corporate Social Entrepreneurship curricula will be presented. In breakout rooms, you will test drive the building blocks and roadmap under the guidance of an EMBRACE project team member. Your feedback will be recorded and will be used to optimise the building blocks.
11:55-12:00 Wrap up of session by an Embrace Advisory Board Member
A 1-hour break leading up to session II.
Session II 13:00-15:00 (CEST)
13:00-13:05 Introduction for the Afternoon by Anu Manickam from Hanze University
13:05-14:00 Profiles & Competences Framework Validation Session by José Eggink from Hanze University
This session will allow you to look more closely at one of the building blocks we have developed and give your feedback. We will be looking at the student profiles, professional profile and the competences associated with them. This framework is a crucial building block and your feedback will ensure its usability and quality. In breakout rooms guided by EMBRACE project team members, you will be able to discuss and edit the profiles and competences framework.
14:00-14:10 Wrap up of session by an Embrace Advisory Board Member
14:10-14:25 15 minute break
14:25-14:50 Corporate Social Entrepreneurship Project Session. In this session you will develop concepts of projects that would allow students and businesses to work together to further the positive societal impact of organisations. You can bring forth questions that are relevant in your own organisation or skills you would like to see explored by students. The possibilities and limitations of such a project will also be discussed. These concepts will be incorporated into the building blocks.
14:50-14:55 Wrap up of session by an Embrace Advisory Board Member
14:55-15:00 Wrap up of the day by Professor Bill O’Gorman
Are you unable to join the sessions on the 27th? On the 31st of May and 1st of June we are hosting additional Profiles & Competences Framework Validation Sessions and Building Blocks and Roadmap Testing Sessions. On both days there are timeslots from 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00.
Follow the LINK to sign up
Note that your input in the sessions will be used within the EMBRACE project. By attending the Testing-, Validation- and or Project session you are agreeing with the use of your input. The input and data gathered may be shared amongst EMBRACE project partners and may be incorporated in their publications.Recordings and photos will be made and may be shared amongst the EMBRACE project partners and can be used in publications and on social media channels.