Today’s knowledge-driven global economy demands greater emphasis on addressing the issues of social inclusion, social equality and engaging society in research and innovation processes to generate solutions responsive to societal needs. Such aspirations can only be achieved if there is open collaborative, cooperative engagement between the quadruple helix of actors in any given society. The foundation stone of developing such an inclusive, collaborative, socially aware entrepreneurial society is: Education. To facilitate and fulfil these goals, there are three dimensions to the European Corporate Social Entrepreneurship curriculum (EMBRACE) project, resulting in EMBRACEedulab
The first dimension is to establish, within the framework of the Social Business Initiative, a favourable climate for social economy stakeholders to be aware of the need to identify actions to increase the visibility of the necessity for Corporate Social Entrepreneurship and the development of a more socially aware entrepreneurial society in regions. This awareness building will be achieved through the consortium’s access to a unique horizon scanning mechanism that identifies disruptive technological and societal trends.
The second dimension is the co-design, co-creation, co-development and co-implementation of an innovative, multidisciplinary European Corporate Social Entrepreneurship Curriculum (ECSEC) to be incorporated into HEI education programmes across all disciplines. The output of such a curriculum will be more rounded, employable graduates capable of contributing immediately to the intrapreneurial and social responsibilities of their employers.
The third dimension is the establishment of a sustainable environment that facilitates the exchange, flow and co-creation of knowledge between HEIs and enterprises; resulting in the creation of new business opportunities dealing with social change both within and external to organisations.