Review of Corporate Social Entrepreneurship Programmes in HEIs. Comparative Report

This report reviews CSE and CSE related programmes in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Europe and other relevant jurisdictions. In total 602 HEIs from 34 countries were reviewed. The analysis also involved 63 interviews and 19 focus group sessions. In summary, currently there is very little known about CSE. The number of CSE education programme is miniscule. There is a call for national and regional policies to embed CSE as a “way of doing business” in public and private sector organisations.

Handbook for Corporate Social Entrepreneurs

The Handbook for Corporate Social Entrepreneurs bridges the lack of awareness regarding this emergent business model approach, by exploring CSE cases and practices that have been used across Europe by a heterogeneous set of organisations (companies, from different economic sectors, for profit, not-for-profit, public sector, and civic society organisations (CSO)). With this Handbook, organisations can learn and explore how to create and implement social and economic value through Corporate Social Entrepreneurship (CSE) practices.

The Social Enterprise Symposium: launch of new, innovative Training & Education Models, Learning Resources and Training Toolkits for Social Enterprise Development & Scaling

The Erasmus + SocialB Project, including TUS and Ballyhoura Development, has opened registrations to the Social Enterprise Symposium on Friday 18th November in the Enterprise Centre, Croom. The event will present key findings of the SocialB (Social Business Educational Ecosystem for Sustainability and Growth) Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project.

CSE Webinar
Listen to the CSE Practices Webinar- IBM/Stop the Traffik

In this recorded session, you can hear the amazing work undertaken by IBM/Stop the Traffik and their initiative Traffik Analysis Hub.

CSE Webinar
The EMBRACE Project is awarded a workshop session at the prestigious European Week of Regions and Cities 2022 event

It will be an on-line session on 13/10/22 from 11:30 to 13:00 (Brussels time) and will last maximum 90 minutes. Click below for details and find out how to register.

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Principalul scop al proiectului EMBRACE este de a promova Antreoprenoriat social corporativ (CSE) în cadrul universităților și de a îmbunătăți competențele studenților, contribuind atât la creșterea angajabilității, cât și la formarea unor aptitudini care să stimuleze dezvoltarea de noi oportunități de afaceri orientate spre schimbare socială, cât și la promovarea colaborării dintre companii.
The Future is Social

The Project


Economia globală actuală bazată pe cunoaștere creează exigențe sporite pentru abordarea problemelor incluziunii sociale, egalității și implicării cetățenilor în procesele de cercetare și inovare pentru a genera soluții adecvate nevoilor societății. Asemenea aspirații pot fi atinse doar prin intermediul implicării și colaborării actorilor cheie din societate.. Piatra de temelie a dezvoltării unei societăți antreprenoriale atât de incluzvă, colaborativă și conștientă din punct de vedere social este: Educația.

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Metode de implicare colaborativă ale actorilor cheie, menite a facilita integrarea antreprenoriatului social corporativ în regiuni.

The transversal skills learned and applications throughout HEIs which are transferable to industry and business communities

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Consorțiul EMBRACE este format din 10 parteneri europeni